Turkish Exporters’ Assembly Route: Brazil Panel
Launched by TIM in order to enable Turkish companies to get a close look on target market, “Export Compass” event series organized for 11st time with slogan of Route: Brazil. Having a sales, marketing office and warehouse in Brazil with the ROTA brand, NSK Group attended as a speaker in the panel.
The panel, which took place in Foreign Trade Complex of Turkish Exporters’ Assembly (TIM) on 21 February, is attended by Yunus Çankaya, Corporate Communication Officer of NSK Group as a speaker. Çankaya highlighted that NSK Group exports 85% of its manufacturing and added that: “We opened an office in Sao Paulo in 2014 with an investment of 2 million Dollar and started to do our business via this office. Office especially increased our recognition in the market and provided us a great advantage to get to know the market. We can recognize our clients and keep stocks in our warehouse and supply products from our stocks to purchasers who do not want to import them. Companies who want to do business by opening an office in Brazil must be patient. It may take 4 or 5 fives to get the return on investment..”
Giving the opening speech of “Route:Brazil” panel, Paulo Roberto França, Istanbul Consul General of Federal Republic of Brazil said that with the new president Michel Temer the country has been shifting rapidly towards a free market economy.” França, Istanbul Consul General of Brazil, also said that Brazil and Turkey are strategic partners. França said that “A free trade agreement should be made between two countries. And then we should include third countries as partners in our trade relationships." Ramazan Kısa, former Commercial Attache of Sao Paulo, highlighted that Turkey can sell Brazil the automotive parts, just as textile, building materials, flours and confectionaries, and added, “But do not get anxious about why things are so slow in Brazil. Because, they have a relax lifestyle. Just establish close relationships with them and watch a football game with them.” In his short speech, he explained in depth the caveats in doing business with Brazil by presenting objective data.
In addition to NSK Group, each company with a high volume of export to Brazil in machinery, agricultural products, textile industries attended as a speaker in the panel. The important subjects shared by companies are the high custom duties and difficulties in the export process. After panelists’ speeches, panel is closed after Question&Answer session.