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Product Search

Product Search

You can find the products by searching the product codes of ROTA, OEM or other brands in the field at the top of our website. You can request price offer by creating an offer cart for the products you have found.

Product Search
Product Search

Single Search

You can find the product by entering the ROTA , OEM or other brand reference numbers in the "Search" bar. 

Multiple Search

First, click once this button in "Search" bar. Then, you can enter multiple reference numbers one by one in the search bar or copy multiple reference number from excel file and paste it here. As a final, click search icon to create an offer list automaticly.

Offer List

When you find the product, you can add it to your offer list by clicking "Get an Offer". From here, you can view the product you added to your list. Then you get an offer to the list.